The Mercedes C63 V8 can now be tuned via the OBDII port with our iFlash ECU programmer.  The iFlash allows for simple reading and writing of the ME9.7 ECU via the OBDII port.  All that is required is a Windows base laptop or Mac running as windows.  The iFlash does not require any internet connection to program your C63.  Files are stored as .org or .mod files so you can easily flash between the two.  As we have tested here on several cars, tuning the Mercedes C63 AMG yields a gain of 70bhp taking the car from 451hp to 518hp with 50lbs of torque added.  See more about the VR Tuned Mercedes C63 ECU Flash Here.


About The Author

Dan Mermelstein - Co-Owner, Blogger, Porsche Enthusiast, VRTuned Marketing and Technical Support. Available to make your car faster!

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